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roberta I’m not going to lie to you. The first time I hooked up with a match from an online dating site, I screwed it up. I ended up basically having my brother sit in the middle of me and my date. That’s how I screwed it up.

I was so scared of the date because it was my first time going out on a date in the United States, and there was this hot blonde who wanted to hookup because we matched. I had butterflies in my stomach. I just let the fear get the best of me, and I had to use my brother as a safety blanket.

Now that I’m a grown man, I probably wouldn’t do the same thing. But you get my point. You really can’t become a Don Juan or a Casanova the first time you try, just like Babe Ruth did not become the home run king the first time he stepped up to the plate. So if you screwed up on your first Hookup matches, don’t beat yourself up too bad.

However, to make sure that it doesn’t happen again, you need to pay attention to your patterns. Unfortunately, most people are not very introspective. Most people are not really very deep. Most people are shallow. So if this is the case, then you need to pay attention to how other guys screw up their first Hookup matches so you can get the lessons you need to increase your level of success.

They Assume Older Women Are Desperate

The first thing that you really need to get out of your mind is the thinking that just because you’re dating an older woman, there’s something wrong with her. You have to remember that when it comes to just plain psychology, emotional stability, and definitely financial capacity, older women have younger women beat. Hands down. Seriously.

So it’s really important to wrap your mind around the fact that this older hot lady that you’re going to be dating is not dating you because she’s desperate. She’s not dating you because she can’t find anybody else. In fact, she has the money, the body, and the attitude to find somebody better than you. Consider yourself lucky.

They Don’t Put In the Effort

A lot of guys think that just because this hot older lady is interested in them, they don’t really have to try as hard. Unfortunately, when they start thinking like this, they essentially become bitches. In other words, they start thinking like the other party.

You have to remember that you have to stay a man. The person that you’re dating wants to date a man. In other words, you have to play the role. Put in the effort. Give her the appreciation and attention that she deserves. That’s the bottom line.

If you want to get invited back to the party, you better give her the experience she’s looking for, or else, she’s going to go elsewhere. And then you will find her on a site like searching for her match, or maybe just a easy online hookup.

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