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vaishaliUsually, when people think of sex hookups they think it’s just a physical experience instead of sites like these. This is the conventional wisdom regarding this type of dating. However, I must admit there is quite a sexy intellectual side to it as well. I’m not saying that the vast majority of the women out there are geniuses. I’m not saying that at all. I’m not saying that most of the chicks that visit these anonymous sex dating websites are genius- level savants.

However, if you look at it closely enough, even if you’re dealing with a chick who is as dumb as a doorknob, there is still an intellectual allure to sex hookups. Why? You need to pay attention to the signals that you’re sending. You need to map out your strategy and you have to respond in such a way that maximizes your chances of success. All this requires intelligence. At the very least, it requires some sort of emotional honesty and sensitivity.

I’m not talking about becoming a quivering mas of Jell-O or a pile of emotional shit. I’m not talking about that at all. I’m not talking about you crying and getting all sensitive. I’m talking about being methodical and systematic regarding the signals that you send out as well as the signals that you perceive and read.

You see, social success, in all its forms, really all boils down to this interplay of the signals that you receive from the other person and the signals that you send back. If you send back the right signals and you perceive their signals properly and you respond in a very strategic and methodical way, you will get pussy. You will get that business deal. You will get into the right colleges. You will pledge with that fraternity. Whatever social project you’re on, it will be a slam dunk.

You see, human beings are nothing but predictable. We like people who are like us. We tend to repay a good deed with another good deed. You see how this all works out? As long as you are a good student of social interaction, getting pussy will never be a problem for you.

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